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Spring Newsletter 2019

April 3, 2019

We thought it was time we started a newsletter to keep you up to date with what is new here at Heritage Cob & Lime

Cob Blocks

Our big news story is that we are making our own cob blocks!

It all started one dark winter’s day when we decided it was about time we made our own cob blocks. This is when Bertha came into our lives and with a few alterations and TLC to modernise her, she began to produce cob blocks.

Our Bertha, who in her former life was a concrete block machine, with the help of Roger and David, is doing a pretty good job of turning out a very nice cob block, made from local subsoil and barley straw.

Perfect for restoring cob properties, the blocks are dried and ready for use. RGB Bide-ford, Crediton & South Molton will be stocking our blocks as well as being available direct from us.

At the price of £2.10 each or £100 for a pallet of 50 (plus Vat) they are competitively priced and al-ready we have orders being placed. There is a lead time so do give us the heads up if you are requiring a large quantity.

Our phone number is 01237 477431.

Earthborn Paints

Our other news is that as many of you know, we became a stockist of Earthborn paints, which all our customers who have used the paint, seem to love.

In particular, we love the earthborn clay paint which is creamy and easy to use. This year they introduced some new colours, which are modern and vibrant– we have sample pots in stock of all the colours including Earthborn’s mineral silicate paint. The golden rule to re-member when painting lime render is that the paint must also be breathable– no modern plastic paint please!

Local Projects

On the build side, we are working on several large, locally based projects, which are very enjoyable and keeping us busy. Over the years our business has grown organically and so we have made the decision to go from a partnership to a Limited Company.

As far as our customers are concerned, it’s still the same faces as before- Sarah in the warehouse, Frank heading up the build work, Dave & Sue in the background, (doing what they are told), and Roger, Sarah’s partner has joined us in the warehouse.

Don’t forget, we can also now offer a delivery service through SR Mini Loads– Sarah and Roger’s business. This means we can offer very competitive prices on local delivery.

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Welcome to The Mind Garden - Gold Award Winner at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2022
A close up of a rock wall with a hole in it
May 21, 2019
The use of Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL) on Cob is a Big NO!
May 2, 2019
Cob is one of the oldest building materials in the world.
February 20, 2019
Typically eco homes are built with the same key structural components as any home. You’ll still need the foundation, roof, windows and doors. But, true eco homes are built using natural products, earth, wood, water and other naturally sustainable materials. Unique and elaborate constructions can be created and still meet our modern building regulations and standards.
By kirsty January 30, 2019
Selecting the right paint for the living areas of your home is something to take the time to carefully consider. The right colour will form the foundation of the atmosphere you want to create. Choosing light, mellow tones, coupled with good lighting can add depth and space to your home or workspace.
August 23, 2018
You don’t have to be a construction connoisseur to understand what’s beneficial for your build and which material you should be making the most out of. This month, we’re going to help you get to grips with the pros of working with cob and lime; and believe it or not- it isn’t as complicated as you may assume.
A large sand castle with a lot of towers
By heritagecandl July 26, 2018
Cob is a versatile building material makes a house cooler in the summer heat
April 18, 2018
Breathable paint is a material that allows the water vapour to permeate, travel, or transfer through itself. Its basic purpose is to allow water to evaporate quickly, letting the building’s walls, window frames, door frames, and the render to breathe naturally without trapping moisture.
By heritagecandl November 28, 2017
If you are buying an older property then it will more than likely have lath and plaster ceilings and walls. If the property is Listed, then this will almost certainly dictate the type of laths you use for any repair.
By mail February 6, 2017
This building had a cement render which over the years, had begun to crack and allow water ingress, the front elevation suffering the worst . Internally there were damp issues whilst outside we discovered some major problems that needed remedying.
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