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Gold Winners at RHS Chelsea Garden Show 2022

Heritage Cob & Lime • November 1, 2022

Welcome to The Mind Garden - Gold Award Winner at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2022


Video by Crocus - The Mind Garden is designed by Andy Sturgeon, Built by Crocus, Supplied by Heritage Cob & Lime.

Well... it's not every day ( or year for that matter) that one is approached and asked to be involved in such a prestigious event as the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Of course, this isn't the first occasion that we've supplied our award winning heritage building materials to a "Royal" society, however after the last couple of years, this one certainly felt rather special.

The Mind Garden was a concept designed by non other than the well renowned Andy Sturgeon (one of the leading garden designers in the UK). He described the design for the garden as "a series of sculptural walls cascade and swirl through the sloping garden like a handful of petals tossed to the ground" . Click here to read more about his wonderful creation and the inspiration behind his design.

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*Images and photos credited to @rubyekah_8

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A large sand castle with a lot of towers
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April 18, 2018
Breathable paint is a material that allows the water vapour to permeate, travel, or transfer through itself. Its basic purpose is to allow water to evaporate quickly, letting the building’s walls, window frames, door frames, and the render to breathe naturally without trapping moisture.
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If you are buying an older property then it will more than likely have lath and plaster ceilings and walls. If the property is Listed, then this will almost certainly dictate the type of laths you use for any repair.
By mail February 6, 2017
This building had a cement render which over the years, had begun to crack and allow water ingress, the front elevation suffering the worst . Internally there were damp issues whilst outside we discovered some major problems that needed remedying.
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